April Update: Flashy News and Notes

Remember the SAMR Flash Conference!!
April 25-26-27
Tuesday, April 25, 6:00 pm Eastern Time
Dina Boero (The College of New Jersey)
The Space of a Stylite: Columns and their Topographical Contexts
Wednesday, April 26, 6:00 pm Eastern Time
Sarah Porter (Gonzaga University)
Desire in the Archive: A 1934 Excavation in Antioch’s Southeastern Nekropolis
Thursday, April 27, 6:00 pm Eastern Time
Camille Angelo (Yale University)
Animating Attachments: An Affective Archaeology of Late Antique Monastic Refectories
Organized by Zsuzsa Várhelyi ( varhelyi@bu.edu). The conference is free and open to the public. It is, however, necessary to register at this link in order to receive the Zoom connection and other details.
GODSCAPES: Ritual, Belief and the Natural World in the Ancient Mediterranean and Beyond
Registration is still open for the Godscapes conference at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, June 27-30. You can see the full program at this link.
Register for in-person attendance here.
Register for virtual attendance here.
SAMR Authors in Press
The spring issue of Biblical Archaelogy Review features articles by two SAMR members. Former President Barbette Stanley Spaeth contibuted "Paul, Prostitutes, and the Cult of Aphrodite in Corinth," and Secretary/Treasurer Robyn Faith Walsh offered a response to a letter regarding her fall of 2022 article "The Origins of the Gospels." Congratulations to both!
If you have recent publications that you would like to share with your SAMR colleagues, please send the information to Dan Schowalter (SAMRpres@gmail.com).
Check Out Two Special Conferences in the Fall
Thanks to Anna Collar for alerting us to the upcoming conference
Steps Ahead: New Trends in the Analysis of Roman Polytheism
October 25-27, 2023 at Universidad Carlos III in Madrid
And thanks also to Ian Rutherford for highlighting
OMNIPOTENS. Manufacturing and Empowering Gods in Greco-Roman Antiquity
November 15-17, 2023 also at Universidad Carlos III in Madrid
Upcoming Zoom Lectures
Barbette Stanley Spaeth
"Cult, Memory and Identity in Roman Corinth"
Thursday, April 20th, 12:00 noon eastern time.
Sponsored by the American School of Classical Studies in Athens
Here is the link to register
Steve Friesen
"Making Sense of John’s Apocalypse: Revelation 13:1-8 and the Beast from the Sea"
Tuesday, April 25th 7:30 pm central time (after the Flash Conference talk). Sponsored by the Milwaukee Area Biblical Archaeology Society.
Here is the link to connect.
If you are aware of upcoming events that may be of interest to the SAMR membership, please pass them on to Dan Schowalter (SAMRpres@gmail.com)